Hydration in Endurance Athletes

Here at Base Camp Physical Therapy, many of our clients are actively involved with sports, Cross-fit, are avid gym goers, or enjoy outside activities such as running or hiking. When it comes to hydration, many of us have been told to simply “drink more water”. You and I have both seen the individual at the gym with a gallon jug of water, trying to drink as much as possible during their workouts. Or better yet, we have been handed sugary sports drinks with the aim to provide “better hydration”. But is this really the best way to hydrate?

If we think of hydration as water alone, we are missing a large component. The human body is roughly 60-70% water, and in order for this fluid to be transported within our system, electrolytes (in proper ratios) need to be present. So what are these electrolytes? At a cellular level, they are charged particles that regulate our extracellular water quantities. The most common electrolytes are sodium, potassium, and magnesium. We can think of these as super water transporters. For the athletes, for every minute of activity, liters of water and salt are lost with sweat. Without proper electrolytes and with excessive water intake, the athlete can enter into a state of hyperhydrosis or hyponatremia. This state can cause symptoms of fatigue, dizziness, headache, muscle cramps, dry mouth, and overall poor sports performance.

So what is best way to hydrate?

Research recommends:

  • 32 oz of water with 500-1000 mg of salt 15-20 minutes prior to sport (ideally with an electrolyte supplement containing potassium and magnesium).

  • Intake a similar amount for each additional 30 min of play.

  • An electrolyte supplement such as LMNT has clinically proven ratios, and is an easy way for our athletes to achieve not only greater hydration but also more optimal performance. Grab a sample at our office today and let’s achieve greater health and wellness together!


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